Tulsa Peace Fellowship

There never was a good war or a bad peace. ~Ben Franklin

Christopher Radebaugh
  • Yes, I live in Tulsa.
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  • Tony Nuspl

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Christopher Radebaugh's Page

Profile Information

Name your favorite symbol of peace
The Peace Symbol
Why do you want to join?
I want to join to help bring peace to a world that is continuously plagued by violence and destruction. Americans are too often wholly ignorant of the destructive impact which their nation has upon the rest of the world. I believe that a combination of education and peaceful resistance are sufficient to alleviate much of the world's misery. My phone number is (918) 853-2775
Do you live in Oklahoma, or have ties to this state?
Yes, I live in Tulsa.

Comment Wall (2 comments)

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At 4:10am on June 21, 2021, Sheila Terrault said…

Hello .

I am Mrs. Sheila Terrault, an aging widow suffering from long time illness (Esophageal Cancer). I have some important information (charity proposal) for you, May God continue to bless you, Please reply (sheilaterrault@gmail.com) for more details.

your sister in the Lord,
Mrs. Sheila Terrault.

At 2:36pm on January 7, 2018, joni said…

Welcome, Christopher!

I agree with your assessment as to how in the dark we are as Americans as to our governments and our society/systems are in the world.

Education is key to changing that and peaceful resistance or nonviolent direct action are key to becoming and being the change we wish to see.





Who We Are - The TPF Steering Committee

TPF is a registered non-profit organization in the State of Oklahoma, a non-partisan and non-sectarian civic sector organization, devoted to peace, social uplift, and nonviolence.

16 discussions

Book Reviews, Film Reviews, Review Articles

TPF members post reviews, as part of a previously organized monthly book/dvd exchange or other occasional reading circles

10 discussions

Peace Building, Mutual Aid, and Local Grassroots Community Efforts

People to come together to solve shared challenges at the grassroots level. This discussion forum is for events, plans, strategies and tactics to support sustainability and justice, including mutual aid and self-bootstrapping. Put your reviews of peace-promoting games and nonviolent disobedience training here as well.

15 discussions

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