Tulsa Peace Fellowship

There never was a good war or a bad peace. ~Ben Franklin

Anti-war Demonstration

Event Details

Anti-war Demonstration

Time: February 7, 2009 from 12pm to 2pm
Location: across the street from sHell on Earth
Street: 41st & Yale
City/Town: Tulsa
Website or Map: http://www.tulsapeacefellowsh…
Event Type: monthly, protest
Organized By: TPF Steering Committee
Latest Activity: Feb 7, 2009

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Event Description

No War for Oil!
Monthly Anti-War Protest
@ "Free Speech Corner"
41st & Yale
on-going since 2002, since before the illegal invasion of Iraq
from 12 noon to 2pm

Members of TPF and Veterans for Peace brandish signs in the hopes of raising awareness among Tulsans. Donations accepted.

Create your own sign and join us! Or hold up one of our ready-made signs with various pro-peace messages.

(Please park in the shopping mall parking lot, not in the bank parking lot.)

This event repeats every month, on the first Saturday every month.

The image used this month is that of Robin Long, imprisoned unjustly for 14 months, for being an active-duty war resister, refusing to serve in the unjust occupation of Iraq. "Sir, No Sir!"

"Individuals have duties which transcend the national obligations of obedience. Therefore individual citizens have the duty to violate domestic laws to prevent crimes against peace and humanity from occurring."
Nuremberg War Crime Tribunal 1950

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Comment by Tony Nuspl on February 7, 2009 at 3:39pm
Good weather again (high of 74 degrees) and a light breeze made it a perfect day for our monthly anti-war demo, today. Unfortunately, turn-out from the Fellows was low, and the Peace presence was weak this month.

In lieu of 'Out of Afghanistan' the theme for today's demo followed the TPF secretary's suggestion. She writes:

"A suggestion for the Saturday peace rallies. With the stimulus package all over the news this morning I'm wondering if we need some new signs. Very few discussions include the huge amount of money in military spending. I think we need to point this out with some of our signs. Do we have any Healthcare not Warfare signs? How about, Build Schools Not Bombs, or American Militarism Breeds Terrorism, or Reconstruction not Destruction?"

In the end we brandished existing signs we had on hand, including:

"One $trillion war in Iraq - who needs healthcare?"

"Money for healthcare, jobs, food and education, NOT WAR"

"Drop debt, not bombs"

"President's budget in 2008:
59% spending on military,
5% spending on healthcare,
7% spending on education,
3% spending on environment"
go to http://nationalpriorities.org/Proposed Discretionary Budget

"308,000 homeless veterans"

We had two veterans come by today. One who survived 12 years in the Marines, and has since found civilian employment, albeit with a company going out of business shortly. Another who was a WWII veteran. The latter could not understand how the Veterans Administration (VA) has fallen into a shambles of late, or how it is failing to provide for homeless veterans. We didn't have a chance to tell him about the spate of suicides among veterans, the epidemic of PTSD, etc. He didn't want to hear. Also, it's clear that some veterans are better off than some.

Our favorite response from Tulsans today: The carload of young women screaming "Obamaaaaa!" as they drove by. Clearly, the younger generation has placed a lot of their hopes on the new president. At TPF we remain skeptical of Obama's plans, as he is not reducing military spending, and in particular, we will continue to push for the immediate exit from Iraq, and to oppose any escalation of the conflict in Afghanistan.

Our promotion of Peace, and our advocacy of a return to a genuine Peacetime with reduced military spending (the "Peace Dividend" that we're owed since the end of the Cold War, and now two decades overdue), will continue for the duration of Obama's term of office, until he takes this country off of a war footing.

"Reduce military spending, Rebuild America!"
Comment by Tony Nuspl on February 6, 2009 at 2:53pm
More editorials against Obama's plan to send 17,000 troops to Afghanistan:

February 4, 2009
Why Are We Still at War?
by Norman Solomon

The United States began its war in Afghanistan 88 months ago. The "war on terror" has no sunset clause.

The U.S. war effort in Afghanistan owes itself to the enduring "war on terrorism," chasing a holy grail of victory that can never be.

Early into the second year of the Afghanistan war, in November 2002, a retired U.S. Army general, William Odom, appeared on C-SPAN's Washington Journal program and told viewers: "Terrorism is not an enemy. It cannot be defeated. It's a tactic. It's about as sensible to say we declare war on night attacks and expect we're going to win that war. We're not going to win the war on terrorism."

The new U.S. "war on terror" was rhetorically bent on dismissing the concept of peacetime as a fatuous mirage.


February 2, 2009
Quit Digging in Afghanistan
by Alan Bock

The U.S. has no interest in what kind of government rules Afghanistan so long as it isn't harboring al-Qaeda bases, which should lead to a decision that this goal has been achieved and it's time to withdraw all U.S. forces and let the Afghans run Afghanistan.

Comment by Tony Nuspl on February 1, 2009 at 1:44pm
Suggested theme for this weekend: Out of Afghanistan!

Consider this open letter from WorldCantWait:

To the Anti-War Movement in the United States:

Barack Obama is sending a surge of 20,000 troops to Afghanistan.

An antiwar movement that does not move immediately to oppose the Obama doctrine of shifting the central front of the war on terror to Afghanistan, no longer deserves to be called an anti-war movement.


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Who We Are - The TPF Steering Committee

TPF is a registered non-profit organization in the State of Oklahoma, a non-partisan and non-sectarian civic sector organization, devoted to peace, social uplift, and nonviolence.

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Book Reviews, Film Reviews, Review Articles

TPF members post reviews, as part of a previously organized monthly book/dvd exchange or other occasional reading circles

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Peace Building, Mutual Aid, and Local Grassroots Community Efforts

People to come together to solve shared challenges at the grassroots level. This discussion forum is for events, plans, strategies and tactics to support sustainability and justice, including mutual aid and self-bootstrapping. Put your reviews of peace-promoting games and nonviolent disobedience training here as well.

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