Tulsa Peace Fellowship

There never was a good war or a bad peace. ~Ben Franklin

mention of TPF in print in a book title

It's a "red-letter day": I came across the first mention of TPF in print in a book title today. Davis D Joyce (at least a few of you in the group have met him) mentions TPF on page 222 of his book on Zinn:
"The speaking Zinn was doing impacted even more people than attended his talks. For example, in Tulsa, Oklahoma, on November 3 [2002], twenty people gathered under the auspices of the Tulsa Peace Fellowship to view a videotape of a Zinn lecture, "War, Terrorism, and the Media". Apparently filmed at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in March [2002] (Zinn was introduced by Noam Chomsky of MIT), it provided the basis for a spirited discussion of how government and media have been known to misinform, and how the group might spread the word and become involved with others in promoting peaceful alternatives."

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Who We Are - The TPF Steering Committee

TPF is a registered non-profit organization in the State of Oklahoma, a non-partisan and non-sectarian civic sector organization, devoted to peace, social uplift, and nonviolence.

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Book Reviews, Film Reviews, Review Articles

TPF members post reviews, as part of a previously organized monthly book/dvd exchange or other occasional reading circles

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Peace Building, Mutual Aid, and Local Grassroots Community Efforts

People to come together to solve shared challenges at the grassroots level. This discussion forum is for events, plans, strategies and tactics to support sustainability and justice, including mutual aid and self-bootstrapping. Put your reviews of peace-promoting games and nonviolent disobedience training here as well.

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