Tulsa Peace Fellowship

There never was a good war or a bad peace. ~Ben Franklin

Award winning oral historian and author Rosalie Riegle OKC talk and booksigning on 10/10

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Rosalie Riegle documents the lives, motivations and sacrifices of notable peace activists. Don't miss this special visit to OKC!

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Date & time: Thursday Oct. 10, 7pm

Place: Joy Mennonite Church, 504 NE 16th St., Oklahoma City.

Peace Historian Rosalie Riegle to speak in OKC

The Oklahoma Center of Conscience is hosting a talk and book signing with oral historian/activist Rosalie Riegle, author of Crossing the Line: Nonviolent Resisters Speak Out for Peace and Doing Time for Peace: Resistance, Family, and Community. Ms. Riegle is in Oklahoma City to receive the Stetson Kennedy Vox Populi Award from the Oral History Association (event is not associated with that organization).

The talk, which is free and open to the public, will take place on Thursday Oct. 10 at 7pm at Joy Mennonite Church, 504 NE 16th Street. 

Light refreshments will be served.

Crossing the Line (Wipf and Stock, 2013) and Doing Time (Vanderbilt UP, November, 2012) are oral histories of nonviolent resisters and their communities and the families that support them. They contain 150 interviews covering the period from WWII to the present, including renowned peace activist

from Catholic Workers, Plowshares, School of the Americas Watch and others. Copies of these books will be on sale for less than they can be purchased in bookstores.

Ms. Riegle’s two previously published books include Voices from the Catholic Worker (1993), a collection of oral histories of CW communities up to the 1980s, and a compilation of interviews entitled Dorothy Day: Portraits by Those Who Knew Her (2003). Day founded the CW movement.

The evening promises to provide a good overview of the peace movement over the past few decades, and the most committed activists within it who have dedicated their lives, and in some cases their freedom, to make a positive difference in US foreign policy.

To learn more about Rosalie Riegle and her books, see the OCC website at centerforconscience.org

For more information, contact Rena Guay at (405)598-7362 (leave a message) or email peacearena (AT)gmail(DOT)com.

with information via: okobjector@yahoogroups.com, news@peacehouseok.org_

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