Tulsa Peace Fellowship

There never was a good war or a bad peace. ~Ben Franklin

grannies-for-peace action at Toysrus 2012 dec_photo Marilynn K Yee NYTimes-blog480

Manhattan - December 12, 2012, 7:18 pm
Antiwar ‘Grannies’ Briefly Make Toys ‘R’ Us Store Their Battlefield
By Daniella Silva
Older women who belong to the Granny Peace Brigade and the Raging Grannies they took their message into Toys “R” Us to protest what they said was the prevalence of violence in children’s games and toys. One group went to the video game section downstairs, another went to an area that features war-themed toys and a third group stayed in the store’s lobby.
They chanted “Don’t buy war games, don’t buy war toys,” while customers and store employees looked on, [some of them] supportive of the demonstration.

“I think it’s a really good thing that they’re out here,” said Stephen Beckwith, 38, from Toronto. “I have two boys at home and I don’t let them play with violent toys.”

“Video games can be terrible,” he added. “The ones that kids play these days are the worst. It’s just kill, kill, kill.”

“During World War II, the Korean War and the Vietnam War, I went to Washington to demonstrate,” said Ms. Pollak, a great-grandmother, author and retired teacher. “I would like, before I die, to see a world closer to peace.”

Soon after being asked to leave the store, and being politely escorted out, the women continued their demonstration outside, standing beside people dressed in costumes that included Mickey Mouse and Cookie Monster.

The Granny Peace Brigade and the Raging Grannies made headlines in 2005 when 18 protesters were arrested and charged with disorderly conduct for blocking the entrance to a military recruitment center in Times Square. The women were acquitted of the charges in 2006.


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