There never was a good war or a bad peace. ~Ben Franklin
cross-posting from Peace Action USA:
Reps. Bush (D-MO) and Tlaib (D-MI) have championed legislation in support of a Congressional resolution calling for immediate de-escalation and ceasefire in occupied Palestine.
Please take a minute now to urge your members of Congress to call for a ceasefire and de-escalation!
Views: 14
TPF is a registered non-profit organization in the State of Oklahoma, a non-partisan and non-sectarian civic sector organization, devoted to peace, social uplift, and nonviolence.
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TPF members post reviews, as part of a previously organized monthly book/dvd exchange or other occasional reading circles
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People to come together to solve shared challenges at the grassroots level. This discussion forum is for events, plans, strategies and tactics to support sustainability and justice, including mutual aid and self-bootstrapping. Put your reviews of peace-promoting games and nonviolent disobedience training here as well.
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